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LITA B.A.L.A.N.C.E Program here is the description.
Lesson 1: Never allow the complexity if the effects to distract from the simplicity of the cause; Learn to fall in love with yourself; Breakthrough dogma into understanding
Lesson 2: Optimal health is more than eliminating symptoms; Brief history of western medicine.
Lesson 3: Living according to natural law; Epigenetics and the power to reprogram your mind, body, spirit and genetic potential
Lesson 4: Turning your weakness into strengths; The why why why? Inductive versus deductive reasoning
Lesson 5: Becoming the secret; Spiritual athletics; Neuroplasticity
Lesson 6: Every human being is the author of their own health and dis-ease
Lesson 7: Thoughts have energy; Upgrading our human software
Lesson 8: Conquering self; Expanding our comfort zone; Making each moment sacred; 30 day training
Lesson 9: Joyful participation even in the sorrows of life; The Four Nobile Truths; Exploring the feelings of pain and pleasure
Lesson 10: Vibration of Health; The Story of the Buddha; Siddhartha Gautama; Faith versus Fear
Lesson 11: Get off your die-it and get on a live-it; Yin/Yang; Surviving into thriving; Defining terminology
Lesson 12: Energy, vibration, frequency, and metaphysics; The 5 body senses plus 3 more
Lesson 13: Structure determines function
Lesson 14: Manifesting/womanifesting; Words and thoughts have energy
Lesson 15: The power of the mind; Contemplation, concentration, meditation
Lesson 16: Age is chronology, aging is lifestyle; Overfed and undernourished
Lesson 17: Leading causes of death in North America; One specific thing is the main reason for 8 out of 10 deaths
Lesson 18: Congestion of the elimination organs of the body
Lesson 19: The basal membrane; Anti-density theory
Lesson 20: Difference between cleansing, fasting and being sick; Age versus aging
Lesson 21: Carbohydrates, fast, protein; Amino acids, the building blocks of life; Let food be thy medicine
Lesson 22: Seven levels of evolution; Human body requirements; Physiology of vegetarian versus carnivore
Lesson 23: Blood is the river of life; Clean blood increases oxygen and increases life
Lesson 24: Acid versus alkaline; Life in, life out - Death in, death out
Lesson 25: Hunger versus appetite; Spiritual nutrition; Biogenesis
Lesson 26: Quality of the calories; Fats versus Oil, Whole complete foods; No refined food only refined people
Lesson 27: If you didn't get enough fiber, no one gives a sh*t; Emotions and eating
Lesson 28: Poem; Food for thought
Lesson 29: We all have ups and downs, choose to have them between good and great
Lesson 30: Breathing, Alignment, Love, Nutrition, Cleansing, Exercise; How to reverse the aging process
Lesson 31: The 9 basics of conditioning
Lesson 32: Stop the Insanity of harming YOU; The mind should be still and the body active not the other way around
Lesson 33: Challenge your programming; How to Let go and Let GD
Lesson 34: Breathing: We have 10,000 breaths, use them wisely
Lesson 35: Alignment: the tree that bends in the wind survives the storm; Neurobiotaxis
Lesson 36: Love; When you want love, you may not get it, when you give love, no one can stop you; Libido over Credo; Love is a noun and a verb
Lesson 37: Attitude: Latitude your attitude with gratitude; Instead of monitoring thoughts be aware of the feelings
Lesson 38: Nurtrition: Eating is a metaphor for consciousness; The 5 most dangerous words; The 7 levels of food; How to tell saturated fat
Lesson 39: Nutrition Continued: How to choose what to eat; Stop light theory of health and eating
Lesson 40: Cleansing: Organs of elimination; The correlation between organs and emotions; Different types of fasting; Fasting versus cleansing
Lesson 41: Exercise: Vitality equals power minus obstruction, Lengthening telomeres; Yoga opens structural blocks, Weights build storehouses of energy
Lesson 42: Introduction to spirituality; Our spiritual potential; Hidden mysteries
Lesson 43: Self realization; Super natural power; Searching for Gd; Bumblebee story; Beyond the five senses; Yoga/meditation as a priority
Lesson 44: Pleasure/Pain; Learning to let go; Aligning energies to a higher power and potential
Lesson 45: Connection to self and source consciousness; Mythology, religion, yoga, Spiritual nutrition; Contemplating divinity
Lesson 46: Macrocosm versus microcosm; Movement of planets; Origin of western religion
Lesson 47: Personal journey; Challenging your programming; Finding inner peace and inner love; Connecting to spirit
Lesson 48: Be a living, breathing example of everything you say, think and do; Faith over fear
Lesson 49: Quantum physics; Mysteries beyond our senses; Law of attraction; Words have power; Motivation/Inspiration
Lesson 50: Mythology of Star Wars; Going into darkness; Biohacking your spirit; Spiritual Athletics; Epigenetics; HUman
Lesson 51: True spirituality; Religious sacraments; Dead Sea Scrolls; Nicaea council; Illumination through natural law
Lesson 52: The temple is within the body; Human Ecology; Clean your body, free your mind; Human Alchemy
Lesson 53: Introduction to esoteric anatomy; Fibonacci series; Phi, the golden ration; Tree of knowledge, tree of life
Lesson 54: The story of Buddha; The hero's journey; Made from universal elements
Lesson 55: Precession of the equinox; Born again! (and again and again...)
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